Is the 2021 Malaysian Emergency, constitutional?
Forget about the unconstitutional Emergency. That is a given. Do we have a valid Cabinet in the first place? Find the answer here.
Read MoreForget about the unconstitutional Emergency. That is a given. Do we have a valid Cabinet in the first place? Find the answer here.
Read MoreThis is a true story of an unusual client: one who kept his word.
Read MoreActually, it is still open. Other than one dictum, s. 68(1)(a) seems open to different interpretations. So what should that test be?
Read MoreIs it the time a claim is filed? Or after judgement? Eventually, the courts decided that the relevant quantum is at it was at the time its filing. Note that there is nothing logical about either of these positions.
Read MoreSuppose you are not a lawyer. How should you interpret your constitution? Are there any tools available to do that? Read on...
Read MoreA blogger once wrote that the monarch could appoint his gardener as prime minister. Was he right? This minor question begets larger ones.
Read MoreIs the written constitution subject to another, higher, principle? A higher law? It is. Read on.
Read MoreHow many times can the monarch 'exercise' his constitutional, 'appointing discretion'? My view is: 'Once'. Why is that?
Read MoreCan the King act against the Cabinet’s advice?
Read MoreThe answer is ‘No’. His Majesty the King cannot ignore, delay or refuse the appointment of a Prime Minister, if the candidate has the support of the majority of the MPs in the House of Representatives.
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