Could we eliminate electoral fraud by improving election laws?

6–9 minutes to read

Could we eliminate electoral fraud by improving election laws? An election petition is a difficult thing. The law has ring-fenced it with several impenetrable technical rules.  Combating electoral corruption under the current, antiquated laws is impossible. After the ...

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Why are we mollycoddling our public figures?

9–13 minutes to read

Why are we mollycoddling our public figures? There is a weapon far deadlier than a nuclear bomb. Words are the most powerful weapons in all the world.  So much so that a cautionary note penned in ...

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Who said the Prime Minister is not a public officer?

10–14 minutes to read

Who said the Prime Minister is not a public officer? Two separate panels of the Court of Appeal did. One panel heard Mahathir’s appeal.  It delivered its decision in April of this year. The second panel of ...

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What are we doing about the Malaysian Bar’s Hall of Fame?

4 minutes to read

Many judges and lawyers gave their all to the Bar. If we forget them, we forget who we are. We are all but a package of our memories. You take away the memories, and you ...

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