Can a negligent hospital dictate how its patient should spend the court-awarded compensation?

5–7 minutes to read

Suppose a hospital is negligent. The patient sues the hospital. The court awards compensation. Should the hospital dictate how and when the victim should spend the compensation money?

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Should private hospitals be better regulated?

7–10 minutes to read

Do you think you are paying more to your private medical hospital - more than you should? Do you feel some medical tests are unnecessary?

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3 minutes to read

The Asian International Arbitration Centre is the leading edge in Asian and Malaysian International arbitration.

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The Gopal Sri Ram I knew

8–11 minutes to read

He brought a level of legitimacy and credence to an institution that had been staggering under the weight of the 1988 judicial crisis.

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What are your Fundamental Rights?

3 minutes to read

How does the Constitution protect you? What are your fundamental or basic rights?

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Does the Speaker remain in office after the dissolution of Parliament?

3 minutes to read

The Speaker stays in office until he resigns, or another Speaker is appointed when the next parliament convenes.

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