Are temporary workers at risk during the coronavirus ‘lockdown’?

5–7 minutes to read

Will temporary workers and daily-paid workers lose their wages during the coronavirus 'lockdown’? We think the answer is a 'No'. Why is that?

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Can an employer refuse to pay his employees’ wages during the ‘lockdown’?

4 minutes to read

The answer is 'No'. This 'lockdown' is temporary. The employer's obligation to pay continues - unless the 'lockdown' lasts for a long time. In that case, the legal obligation to pay ends: but do not ...

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What are the legal consequences of the virulent ‘lockdown’?

10–15 minutes to read

Millions of employees cannot go to work. Should they not be paid? Why should employers pay unproductive employees? What about bank loans? And international contracts? Do we need legal amnesties? Is there a way out ...

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What are the Government’s powers during the Covid-19 pandemic?

9–14 minutes to read

How far can the Government go during this partial lockdown? What are your rights? Here are some legal points you should know.

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Can a voter sue his MP for switching sides?

13–19 minutes to read

Suppose an MP switches sides, so as to collapse the government. Can a voter in his constituency sue his MP? The answer seems to be, in theory, a Yes.

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