GK is a lawyer, and runs a YouTube channel called ‘GKtv Law’.
GK is a lawyer, and runs a YouTube channel called ‘GKtv Law’.
Pleadings: Do not overlook these points!
Two subscribers to this channel asked me to speak about Pleadings. I have already done a detailed video on pleading. I will now say something I have not said before…
Read MoreHow should you dress for a Court of Law?
I have been watching recently that the standard of dressing in courts has not been up to mark. Most of the errors are made unintentionally. Here are some tips ...
Read MoreWhat is the surefire strategy to win a trial?
What is a surefire method of winning your trial or substantially increasing the chances of winning a hopeless trial?
Read MoreA defining moment during the HINDRAF prosecution
A DEFINING MOMENT This is our team's 100th Video for YouTube! It is in itself, a defining moment. How would you describe a defining moment in your life? Something that made you reach deep inside of yourself ...
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