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GK is a lawyer, and runs a YouTube channel called ‘GKtv Law’.

GK is a lawyer, and runs a YouTube channel called ‘GKtv Law’.

How should we choose our top civil servants?

10–15 minutes to read

How should we choose our civil servants? Who chooses them? What are the criteria to be employed? How should they be fired?  Should not civil society and Parliament have a role to play? Should not ...

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The MACC quandary: Should stakeholders be consulted before public officials are appointed?

7–10 minutes to read

A great public uproar accompanied the sudden appointment of the MACC Chief. Behind the clamour lurks a Kraken of colossal importance: Should all national stakeholders have a say in the appointment of senior public servants? ...

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Which is supreme: the Constitution, the monarchy or some other power?

7–11 minutes to read

A Ruler's power to appoint a Chief Minister is all the rage. A blogger once wrote that the monarch could appoint his gardener as prime minister. Was he right? This minor question begets larger ones. ...

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Are private hospitals immune from the negligence of their specialists? [Part-3]

11–16 minutes to read

Private hospitals have long been escaping blame for their specialists’ negligence. When a specialist falls into a terrible error, should not the courts – as a matter of policy – hold private hospitals liable? If ...

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Are private hospitals immune from the negligence of their specialists? [Part-2]

12–18 minutes to read

In Part-1, we examined the difficulties of using vicarious liability as a tool when dealing with private hospitals. In Part-2, we examine how the law in this area has developed, and where it should ...

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The people behind

… are a team of lawyers, writers and designers.

They simplify legal issues.

To what end?

To rebuild the nation by Rule of Law.

One article at a time.

GK Ganesan