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GK is a lawyer, and runs a YouTube channel called ‘GKtv Law’.

GK is a lawyer, and runs a YouTube channel called ‘GKtv Law’.

Gerrymandering: Destruction Of A Democracy-101

10–14 minutes to read

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CX4NkBsvlk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0aJu63DIik Is every vote of equal strength? Does every vote, cast at any part of the nation, possess the same effect? Let’s use the 2018 General Elections (GE-14) as an example. The Kapar parliamentary constituency [P109] represents one seat ...

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The deathly silence of dissent in our courts…

8–12 minutes to read

Dissent means disagreement between judges.  In a case comprising, say 3 judges, a dissent occurs when one judge distances himself or herself from the other 2 on grounds of legal principle. A dissent is not without ...

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Is Any Former Prime Minister Immune From Criminal Prosecution?

7–10 minutes to read

A recent spate of social media messages argue that the former prime minister Najib enjoys absolute immunity from criminal sanction. The messages refer to an article by Mr Charles Hector, entitled: ‘Najib – Cannot be ...

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Does The AG Need To Be A Malay Or A Muslim? Does He Have To Advise On Syariah Law?

9–14 minutes to read

The nation is trundling towards a calamitous constitutional misunderstanding.  Someone has to do something about it and set matters straight. Let us identify what is happening. A debate has begun to rage.  It concerns the identity of ...

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Reconsider status, role and appointment of Attorney General – Amend the Constitution!

5–8 minutes to read

The provisions of the Malaysian Federal Constitution - which regulate the powers of the AG are in a mess. Urgent reform is imperative.

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The people behind

… are a team of lawyers, writers and designers.

They simplify legal issues.

To what end?

To rebuild the nation by Rule of Law.

One article at a time.

GK Ganesan