How should Employers overcome Employment challenges during the Covid-19 pandemic?
The Covid-19 pandemic has devastated almost all Employers. Is there a way for them to deal with an almost impossible situation, without going under?
Read MoreThe Covid-19 pandemic has devastated almost all Employers. Is there a way for them to deal with an almost impossible situation, without going under?
Read MoreTemporary and casual workers are at high risk during the Covid-19 pandemic. It explains why the law requires their wages to be paid.
Read MoreCan an employer can refuse to pay his employees if he runs at a loss? The Answer to that is a ‘No’.
Read MoreHealthcare Staff and Essential Service Workers put their lives on the line for us. Should they not be paid double pay?
Read MoreAdakah pekerja sementara dan pekerja gaji harian akan kehilangan gaji mereka semasa MCO akibat covid-19? Kami fikir jawapannya adalah 'Tidak'. Mengapa?
Read MoreEmployees are stuck. Employers refuse to pay their employees' wages during the Covid-19 pandemic. Employees want to work - but are prevented from working. They are broke. Can Employers refuse to pay their wages? The answer is, 'No'. But the real question is, 'Why?' This short video explains it.
Read MoreDrafting is one of the finest skills of a lawyer. What points does one have to consider before drafting pleadings? Whether it is a Statement of Claim, a Defence, a Counterclaim, a Reply or a Rejoinder - this video, 'How to Draft Better Pleadings' shows how it should be done.
Read MoreHow do you protect yourself - or your company - from the terrible financial consequences of this pandemic? This video shows you how.
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Read MoreLord Sumption is a former Supreme Court Judge. He believes that this national lockdown is not right. This is what he said in a BBC interview on March 30, 2020. What do you think?
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